Episode 19| Dr. Melvin Armstrong

In This Episode | From GED to Ph.D.

Dr. Melvin tells Dr. Theo and Dr. Jaqui about his journey from being forced out of high school after being on track to be the salutatorian to completing his Ph.D. He then explains his philosophy on mentorship and how he counsels the community to “be in position to be in position.”

Guest Bio

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Dr. Melvin Armstrong

Dr. Melvin Armstrong, Jr. grew up in the housing projects in Bloomington, Illinois. He was able to navigate his way from being a ward of the state that dropped out of high school to later earning a G.E.D. and eventually earning a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign.

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Mentionings & Shoutouts


Episode 20| Juan Young


Episode 18|Ashley Munson