Episode 16| Tiffany Hobbs

In This Episode | Celebrating the Beauty and Complexities of Blackness through Art and Activism

Dr. Theo and Dr. Jaqui sit down with Tiffany Hobbs, photographer and school teacher, to uncover how and why she uses art to make her messages about Black beauty, joy, and pain accessible. She explains the importance of Black spaces, and discusses how Leimert Park became a target for gentrification and commodification because of its rich history as a center for Black art and culture.

Guest Bio

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Tiffany Hobbs

Tiffany Hobbs has been featured in Ebony, Gawker, Cultural Weekly, the L.A. Times, and other publications. She has also been a guest on panels and at community events where she makes her unique perspectives and voice heard. Tiffany has resided in the Leimert Park neighborhood of South Central, Los Angeles, for the last 10 years, where she works continuously to edify her community by celebrating the complexities and beauty of blackness with her activism, photography, and words.

Mentionings & Shoutouts:


Episode 17|Tramaine Austin-Dillon


Episode 15| Dr. Jaqui & Dr. Theo